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EurOCEAN 2019 conference
11-12 June 2019
Paris, France

The high-level science-policy conference EurOCEAN 2019 was hosted by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO in Paris, France, and co-organised by the European Marine Board, the European Commission and UNESCO.

EurOCEAN 2019 discussed the contribution of European marine science to the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development  (2021-2030). The conference also highlighted the contribution of marine science to other ongoing and future initiatives supported by Horizon 2020 and the forthcoming Horizon Europe, the European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation programme (2021-2027).

The European Marine Board flagship publication Navigating the Future V (NFV) was launched at the EurOCEAN 2019 conference. Navigating the Future V describes what marine science will look like in the future (2030 and beyond) and what are the needs to achieve this future. NFV provides robust, independent scientific advice and expert opinion and be of increasing importance to societal wellbeing in decades to come.

More information on Navigating the Future V.

EurOCEAN 2019 attracted marine scientists, science stakeholders and communicators, and European and national decision makers and programme managers, i.e. those that set, manage and implement the marine science agenda.

Poster exhibition

During the EurOCEAN 2019 conference, scientific posters were presented by scientists at PhD or post doc level, and defended with a 1-min pitch presentation in plenary. During the conference, the public judged the oral and poster presentation and the winner was awarded with a prize during the closing session of the event.

More information on the Poster exhibition.

EurOCEAN 2019 outputs

More information on the EurOCEAN 2019 outputs.